Sharing my Adventures on Facebook, on the Blog. Trying, anyway…Got it!

Since I do all of my posting on Facebook, I figured I should investigate how to post my FB posts here for the friends that don’t do Facebook. I have a few dear friends that do not.

So, I’m preparing and planning for the Yukon River now that I have a week-long break from school. Hopefully, embedding my FB posts here will work all right, and I can post while on expedition, for a change. Here are a couple of posts since Thursday when I finally got a break from the busy life of a 7th grade science teacher. Whew!

And the rest of the message:

“This is a violation of life.
Show the world what you stand for.

#NODAPL (No Dakota Access Pipeline)
–No oil and gas in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge coastal plains. Ever.

We all live downstream.”

I can’t help but think there is no time to lose. I’m going to speak out for what I believe in, politico or not.

AND, let’s try one more:

Achieving dreams involves three steps: Decision, Desire, and Details

Once you’ve made the decision to do something, then the desire begins to escalate. With great desire one can conquer mountains, one step at a time. Whatever it takes to make your dream come true, figure out a way. It is not always easy, but you CAN do it!

Hollow side up!