1Woman3GreatRivers Project

I have discontinued my blog @ 1woman3greatrivers.com

I am currently transitioning back to ONE blog site, LoveYourBigMuddy.com.

I will try and post here some of my experiences on the Yukon River. All of my posting can be found on my Facebook Page: LoveYourBigMuddy Expedition.

I have completed journeys down the three longest rivers on the North American continent. My next big adventure will be writing a book about my Missouri-Mississippi Expedition in 2013. I plan to work on writing this summer, 2019. Please follow for random stories as I journey into the past. I have MANY stories to tell just from the one trip. Wish me luck in getting it all documented!


The Mississippi River began May 25, 2016

Visit Rivergator.org for a comprehensive paddler’s guide to the Lower Mississippi River.

The Yukon River in 2017
Source-to-Sea:  I started at Llewellyn Glacier at south end of Atlin Lake